Tuesday 5 November 2013

Green Packaging Research

I started to notice the packaging design on items that I use every week, and particularly liked the use of a sleeve over a pot. The Tesco houmous sleeve has another purpose, as it serves as an idea and recipe guide on how to use the houmous on the underside of the design. The Innocent Veg Pot has a section entitled '101 things do to with your pot' and gives example #100 'Money Box'. It states that not many councils recycle their pots but encourages you to try and find out if they do. The innocent juice bottle is made from 25% recycled material and has symbols stating the bottle is widely recycled as is the cap. They give websites like http://www.innocentdrinks.co.uk/recycle and http://www.recyclenow.com/ to encourage their consumers to recycle and be green. I particularly like the simple design of the Innocent products, and the bright colours are aesthetically pleasing and reflect the use of fruit and vegetables in the recipes. The white background reflects the name and nature of the products 'innocent' as they are healthy, free from additives and try to be green with their packaging. 

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