Wednesday 2 October 2013

Task 1

'The Age of Stupid' film

In session 1, we watched a film about global warming - 'The Age of Stupid' (Franny Armstrong, 2009). I wrote down a few notes of subjects that caught my interest but the one that stood out to me was the idea of wind farms and how local people were so against the idea. I noticed this as before now I have passed signs on roads in the countryside that had such things as 'say no to wind farms' written on them. This issue is evidently prominent across the UK but sadly it seems the main reason people don't like the idea is that it is aesthetically unpleasing or that it ruins the view from their window (blot on the landscape).
I think that renewable energy is very important and that the world should be embracing any opportunity to use it. The common problem of local people fighting against having wind turbines could be avoided if they were built in places where people couldn't see them so often, such as in the sea perhaps (offshore wind farms). But I do agree that, building too many wind turbines could ruin the countryside. I think that in the future more wind farms will be built within the UK, despite whether people protest against them or not, as main resources (oil) will become more expensive as it gets used up quicker by the ever expanding population.
An article about the pros and cons of onshore wind energy that I found interesting-
Information about Wind energy -

Pros -It is a proven technology, comparatively cheap, quick to install, renewable energy.
Cons - Not 100% green, noise pollution, eye-sore, they don't produce electricity 24/7.

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